Released two years after James Dean's death, this documentary chronicles his short life and career via black-and-white still photographs, interviews with the aunt and uncle who raised him, his paternal grandparents, a New York City cabdriver friend, the owner of his favorite Los Angeles restaurant, outtakes from East of Eden, footage of the opening night of Giant, and Dean's ironic PSA for safe driving.
Release Date: August 13, 1957
August 05, 1999
February 17, 2023
July 12, 1985
April 11, 2001
December 06, 2012
Invalid Date
September 15, 2007
October 03, 1992
December 10, 1995
March 18, 2010
March 02, 2003
July 03, 2008
January 01, 1961
October 05, 2020
January 01, 2001
September 15, 1976
March 15, 1922
January 24, 2002
January 31, 1997
June 01, 2021