"Black Ghost" is a crime/thriller set in modern day Perth, Australia. Following the life of an ex-commando living in a city that is controlled by criminals; The Northside Crew, The Reapers and The Regittis. Because he is a thug for hire, he becomes an outsider as he makes his living carrying out contracts for the highest bidder. Although he is a muscle for hire he made himself a promise to stop killing. He accepts a contract from the daughter of a prominent couple who have been murdered. Black Ghost must embark on a game of cat and mouse to find the killer or killers and complete his contract. The question is, will he break his golden rule and kill to find the answers?
Release Date: May 28, 2018
September 21, 1990
December 31, 2005
June 21, 1989
December 04, 1974
June 27, 1997
September 12, 1990
August 21, 1964
April 12, 1979
June 09, 2000
October 06, 1995
June 28, 2005
April 23, 1995
May 12, 2005
June 21, 2000
April 23, 2006
February 02, 2005
September 09, 2005
October 27, 2005
April 05, 1990
December 14, 1985