As usual, this comedy featuring Dono, Kasino and Indro is more driven by a series of comedic skits than a unified storyline. This story, built around the three comedians, also features two beautiful young women, Linda (Sally Marcelina) and Christin (Nurul Arifin), who have been talked into moving from their dormitory to stay with the trio at their house. Linda is Kasino’s girlfriend, while Christin is dating Indro. Initially this comedy depicts the three friends appearing on a television program. Then the producer, who promises them more screen time, talks them into judging a beach beauty contest, so the film setting jumps to the beach. While there, the potential beauty queens attempt to seduce the three men. Linda and Christin, who are very angry at this, plan revenge against the three friends. The film then moves to an island where a film shoot is going on.
Release Date: May 08, 1991
January 01, 1980
April 11, 1991
September 11, 1982
July 12, 1982
March 11, 1994
January 02, 1992
March 18, 1993
April 26, 1990
May 05, 1988
August 07, 1987
June 12, 1986
July 17, 1985
August 14, 1984
February 11, 1981
April 28, 1989
September 26, 1987
January 01, 1982
March 02, 1995
February 01, 1990
April 02, 1992