Filmmaker Rodney Evans embarks on a scientific and artistic journey, questioning how his loss of vision might impact his creative future. Through illuminating portraits of three artists: a photographer (John Dugdale), a dancer (Kayla Hamilton), and a writer (Ryan Knighton), the film looks at the ways each artist was affected by the loss of their vision and the ways in which their creative process has changed or adapted.
Release Date: March 09, 2019
November 22, 2020
March 05, 2005
January 01, 2006
October 09, 2013
January 01, 2005
October 10, 1963
May 28, 2015
January 01, 1997
June 17, 2023
January 01, 1988
November 05, 1949
November 04, 2016
February 17, 2009
Invalid Date
September 11, 2006
April 30, 2007
August 04, 2016
January 18, 2013
February 05, 1973
January 01, 2013