4-Part documentary series where Lee Min Ho films over a 700-day period in the DMZ to capture nature and animals. Untouched by humans for over half a century, DMZ’s nature would be close to how this land would look when the civilization disappears. Nature and wilderness breathe here freely, and endangered species have made the place their habitat. With the narration of actor Lee Min-ho, the documentary reveals the beauty of Korea’s nature in its rawest and purest form. Here, there is a silent land where humans stepped down. It is a military demarcation line between North and South. It is the foremost front that consumed two-thirds of the 37-month Korean War, and the DMZ, a military operation area that has not been available for more than 60 years since the armistice. It is the largest temperate primeval forest on Earth, where human history of heartbreak and the wild survival of wild animals coexist.
Release Date: April 03, 2017
October 03, 2023
November 27, 1968
January 01, 2015
September 06, 1996
July 01, 2015
May 05, 2014
April 21, 2024
December 28, 1995
January 01, 2021
April 28, 2023
February 09, 2019
March 31, 1994
January 01, 1997
February 23, 2019
October 09, 2020
January 04, 2017
October 28, 2021
October 12, 2020
December 20, 2023
November 08, 2022