The film's events revolve around the lawyer Mumtaz, who loves flirting with women, despite his marriage, and continues to cheat on his wife, until she decides to teach him a lesson in agreement with her friend, where she pretends to be cheating on him with another man. Will Mumtaz be fooled and believe his wife's betrayal of him? Or will he understand the lesson and stop cheating on her?
Release Date: January 18, 1940
June 21, 1960
April 01, 1930
March 19, 1959
May 07, 2021
July 28, 1929
August 28, 2020
April 29, 1930
May 13, 1962
April 01, 1962
March 26, 2019
May 29, 1972
January 17, 1927
August 10, 1950
May 29, 1953
March 18, 1959
September 17, 1998
January 01, 1969
October 02, 1964
December 06, 1990
July 29, 1968