It is the story of a young man named Esteban, who was totally devoted to the cause of the Revolution against Fulgencio Batista. One day, Esteban is diagnosed with a cerebral aneurism, which causes him to take stock of his life as a revolutionary and to reconsider his relationships to his family--to his mother and brother, particularly--and his friends.
Release Date: January 02, 1976
December 01, 1993
January 16, 2014
September 03, 2005
September 11, 2016
March 09, 2006
December 11, 2006
October 01, 2001
September 05, 2008
January 01, 1986
May 08, 2001
September 03, 2000
May 18, 2007
October 07, 1958
January 02, 1978
June 06, 2017
December 09, 1983
February 27, 2004
March 19, 1964
January 01, 1961