An artist named Kurahashi and a female artist named Cheiko wait in a dentist's waiting room. The man feels attracted to the woman but says nothing to her. Later in the examining room, both patients are going under anesthesia, but the man looks over at the woman and sees the dentist and nurse taking off her clothes, while sucking her body for blood like vampires. The man and woman escape from the dentist's office, but their horror is only about to begin...
Release Date: September 05, 2009
January 13, 2018
September 29, 1972
July 20, 2006
December 25, 2008
August 24, 1962
November 19, 2008
August 15, 2002
February 13, 1972
February 01, 1990
February 28, 1954
July 20, 1962
November 23, 2001
December 01, 1982
November 09, 1950
January 03, 1972
October 27, 1955
February 07, 2024
October 17, 1969
January 01, 1976
February 12, 1932