After reuniting with his first mentor Bruno and receiving his latest mission, an exiled Ciro is left to fearlessly confront whatever comes his way, navigating a new chapter of gang warfare while grappling with devastating memories of loss and trauma. Weaving between his past as an orphan in Naples' cruel underworld and present as a hardened, cunning assassin with nothing left to lose, Ciro is plunged into the cold, dark depths of a world where immortality is just another form of damnation.
Release Date: December 05, 2019
June 27, 1997
September 12, 1990
June 21, 1989
September 21, 1990
May 11, 1931
April 15, 2004
October 05, 1989
December 02, 1988
March 14, 2003
November 25, 1960
September 22, 1989
October 02, 2002
July 12, 2002
December 14, 1985
June 09, 2000
June 28, 2005
January 30, 2008
April 05, 1990
December 10, 1946
February 02, 2005