Jane Goring, a ruthlessly ambitious actress, forsakes her life as a wife and mother for the stage. Returning home from a performance one night, Jane is disgusted to find her husband Robert McNaughton victimized by a tubercular cough and so banishes him and her young daughter to a sanitarium in Colorado. Years pass, finding Jane still estranged from her family. On the opening night of her new play, Jane finds herself upstaged and outperformed by Gloria Cromwell, a rising young actress, who, unknown to Jane, is her abandoned daughter. Returning home, Jane is haunted by visions of her husband and child and begins to sob. Looking up from her pillow, she is startled to see her husband with Gloria.
Release Date: October 01, 1920
December 12, 2005
April 16, 1999
October 26, 2005
March 02, 1982
March 19, 1999
Invalid Date
September 04, 1969
March 15, 1945
Invalid Date
April 09, 1932
October 08, 1975
January 15, 1957
July 29, 1988
May 15, 1981
April 23, 1999
January 12, 2017
June 07, 2014
September 07, 2008
April 20, 2007
March 11, 2009