Steve Wayne, a daring young ambulance driver for a large hospital in Los Angeles, is a rival with his friend, Doctor Bill Barie (the house surgeon in the Emergency Ward), for the attentions of nurse Martha Gray. Despite their rivalry, Steve still endeavors to free his friend from the grip of a merciless racketeer and a gambling gang. But Steve fails in his efforts and then sets out to avenge his friend and smash-up the gang.
Release Date: October 25, 1934
October 12, 2005
December 15, 2005
October 12, 2000
December 25, 1998
May 18, 2017
February 04, 1970
May 11, 1984
February 27, 2007
June 20, 1991
September 13, 2016
September 21, 1979
January 05, 1977
December 22, 1965
September 11, 2004
August 01, 1942
March 28, 1961
March 29, 1985
March 07, 2014
March 29, 2008
March 07, 1942