In the last days of World War 2, people of various ethnic background meet in a Polish military hospital in a small German town, whereas a Nazi SS division hides in the local forests and tries to move westwards.
Release Date: May 09, 1955
February 11, 1942
November 10, 1943
July 21, 1948
February 17, 1948
October 08, 1945
May 23, 1984
April 22, 1953
April 09, 1932
February 06, 1931
October 15, 1946
October 22, 1982
March 15, 1940
July 01, 1953
June 05, 1936
February 19, 1951
March 20, 1950
April 26, 1954
April 29, 1949
October 22, 1951
November 22, 1935