The drama focuses and continues surrounding Chanel Preston and Vanessa Veracuz, in this fifth episode. Veracuz continues her role as a butch as she goes through the process of transforming from girly girl to the handsome, tuxedo wearing Valentino. Vanessa/Valentino appears in the first scene with Penelope Reed and in last scene with Missy Martinez. Romi Rain and Mercedes Carrera are paired together and then Chanel and redhead Lauren Phillips as her Therapist in scene three.
Release Date: April 10, 2017
June 01, 2008
February 07, 1965
July 10, 2008
September 13, 1996
July 26, 1972
January 01, 2015
January 30, 1996
July 06, 1974
March 25, 2005
August 22, 1997
May 11, 1979
May 10, 1978
August 19, 1969
December 18, 1977
February 12, 2005
December 25, 2013
April 04, 1997
September 13, 1996
April 11, 2004
August 09, 2006