In a Southern town, Don Morley is apparently the sole witness to a gunfight during which his friend, Lee Dillingham, badly wounds Sheely. To avoid testifying against Lee, Don leaves town, but after he is gone, Lee double-crosses Don and blames him for the shooting. Then, Don's sweetheart, Miss Lady, heartbroken to learn that Don is a criminal, marries the elderly Professor Querrington. To take her mind off her mundane marriage, Miss Lady befriends a mute boy and pays for an operation that restores his speech. The professor dies, and soon after Don, unaware of his alleged guilt, returns to town to find himself charged with Lee's crime.
Release Date: October 09, 1916
September 13, 1918
April 08, 1929
October 06, 1914
July 26, 1916
April 17, 1929
February 23, 1930
February 09, 1929
November 19, 1916
November 26, 1923
November 30, 1924
October 02, 1911
April 24, 1917
December 04, 1924
December 08, 1927
September 04, 1916
October 01, 1954
January 19, 1919
June 22, 1921
December 19, 1928
February 02, 1924