In a dystopian future, the Brazilian government decrees a measure that forces black citizens to migrate to Africa in an attempt to return to their origins. Seeing themselves in the center of terror, two cousins take refuge in an apartment, where they debate social and racial issues, and share the same yearning for the change of country.
Release Date: April 14, 2022
July 03, 1991
October 13, 1995
July 02, 2003
October 26, 1984
October 15, 1999
November 07, 1997
July 09, 1982
June 10, 1988
February 06, 1927
December 29, 1995
February 20, 1985
June 13, 2005
June 25, 1982
July 28, 2017
June 01, 1990
November 13, 1987
July 25, 2001
February 07, 1968
November 16, 2017
September 16, 1998