Sinbad is a boy living with his mother and a monkey named Mimi. His father, a sailor, never returned from his last voyage. Despite that, Sinbad wants to be a sailor himself. One day a strange girl on a flying horse chased by a group of suspicious men falls from the sky. Sinbad decides to help her, thus taking a decision that will change his life. The film summarizes all the highlights of the exciting anime trilogy and takes the viewer into a magical realm on the other side of the seven seas.
Release Date: April 30, 2019
September 10, 2020
June 29, 2019
May 22, 2014
November 03, 1998
September 26, 2007
September 02, 2003
August 24, 2017
May 28, 2018
July 13, 2004
October 06, 2000
December 31, 2016
January 07, 2017
November 19, 2016
April 17, 2009
March 15, 1997
October 08, 2002
October 30, 1953
June 02, 1992
August 14, 2018
August 13, 1996