A young boy Lukram, hailing from the state of Manipur, situated in the Northeastern part of the country, is a football enthusiast and enrols in a Lucknow-based college to realise his dream of playing for the Indian national team, but his dreams start to crumble when he is subjected to blatant racism and zonal politics that is prevalent in this sport’s team-selection process.
Release Date: July 19, 2019
September 02, 2004
April 19, 1977
December 15, 2004
October 26, 2005
June 25, 2023
May 15, 1981
December 26, 2001
October 07, 2005
March 04, 2008
August 08, 2002
May 27, 2005
May 07, 2016
September 09, 2005
May 16, 2008
March 10, 1932
April 20, 1989
April 21, 2006
March 27, 1992
September 17, 1999
May 13, 2004