Ananthakrishnan, coming from a conservative and rich Brahmin family, falls in love at first sight with Dhanam, a beautiful prostitute. Soon Ananthu proposes to her and she says that she will marry him if his family accepts her knowing her past. Cunning astrologer of Ananthu's family is lusting after her & plots his own agenda with Dhanam using this.
Release Date: September 05, 2008
February 14, 2005
September 01, 2021
October 12, 1972
December 22, 1930
December 12, 1931
November 01, 2010
November 01, 1992
October 10, 2005
November 18, 1967
December 24, 1977
November 19, 1989
September 26, 2010
July 05, 1950
February 15, 1955
July 26, 1943
May 01, 1937
March 15, 1914
September 11, 2014
July 19, 1995
February 08, 1980