In 2199, five years after the Gamilons began an invasion of Earth, the planet has been ravaged by the aliens' bombs. The remnants of humanity have fled underground to escape the irradiated surface. One day, former pilot Susumu Kodai discovers a capsule sent from the planet Iscandar that tells of a device that can remove the radiation from the Earth's surface. The Earth Defense Force rebuilds the battleship Yamato with a new type of propulsion system to make the 148,000 light year trip to Iscandar in hopes of saving the Earth. Within one year, the radiation will drive the rest of humanity to extinction.
Release Date: December 01, 2010
July 04, 1956
March 18, 2017
March 19, 2022
July 03, 1991
December 14, 1984
September 08, 2023
June 26, 1981
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March 24, 2023
November 22, 2010
June 29, 1985
September 01, 1985
October 15, 2016
August 13, 1953
October 06, 1945
August 09, 2018
December 24, 1981
April 25, 2019
August 06, 1999