Plot of Fear tells the story of a decadent weekend party full of orgies and drugs on the outskirts of Milan. After two deaths occur Inspector Lomenzo interrogates one of the guests, a fashion model who becomes his informant, as well as his lover. Clery reveals that after a “wildlife orgy”one of the hosts tried to jokingly feed one of the prostitutes to a tiger but she got so frightened that she died of heart attack. In his attempt to find a connection between the victims, he investigates a cutting-edge security and surveillance firm whose director has secrets of his own to hide.
Release Date: September 17, 1976
June 22, 1960
August 01, 1954
October 11, 2000
September 19, 1997
September 29, 1978
December 20, 1996
November 22, 1974
March 31, 2006
February 29, 2024
April 06, 2001
July 19, 1995
September 13, 2006
August 23, 1946
October 18, 1941
May 31, 1973
October 07, 2005
March 22, 1985
September 10, 2004
February 15, 1996
January 01, 1989