A young girl named Burma attends a beach party with her boyfriend and after she smokes marijuana with a bunch of other girls, she gets pregnant and another girl drowns while skinny dipping in the ocean. Burma and her boyfriend go to work for the pusher in order to make money so they can get married. However, during a drug deal her boyfriend is killed leaving Burma to fend for herself. Burma then becomes a major narcotics pusher in her own right after giving up her baby for adoption.
Release Date: May 08, 1936
July 27, 1930
August 12, 1930
November 25, 2016
July 12, 1991
May 02, 1979
November 25, 1947
March 17, 1972
September 05, 1993
April 19, 1977
October 04, 1987
September 12, 1990
February 07, 2024
August 29, 1958
December 31, 2001
May 21, 2003
June 19, 1998
May 23, 1984
February 09, 2000
September 09, 1993
December 20, 1971