The story of Bendegúz, the teenage boy who never succeeds in anything and about whom everybody's first though is "I wish you had been hanged when you were born!" drops out of school and becomes a cowboy. He works for the Stationmaster whose cows he has to graze by the railway. Despite his goodwill and kindheartedness he always manages to spoil everything he touches. No matter his wit, he gets into humiliating situations and regularly fights with the Ugly Witch (the Stationmaster's mother-in-law). However his good spirit and cheerfulness never leave him.
Release Date: November 12, 1980
December 29, 1955
November 29, 1969
May 27, 2022
October 15, 2003
December 01, 1956
October 01, 1984
November 08, 1949
October 29, 2002
April 26, 2019
December 04, 2003
December 09, 2004
July 18, 2008
July 01, 2020
May 06, 1982
March 01, 1940
December 02, 2016
September 18, 2015
November 06, 1992
January 01, 1975
February 02, 2009