Hungry for adventure, Thor secretly embarks on the journey of a lifetime, joined by his loyal brother Loki, whose budding sorcery equips him with just enough magic to conjure up trouble, along with the Warriors Three - a band of boastful travelers reluctant to set sail on any adventure that might actually be dangerous. But what starts out as a harmless treasure hunt quickly turns deadly, and Thor must now prove himself worthy of the destiny he covets by saving Asgard itself.
Release Date: May 16, 2011
June 21, 1989
December 14, 1984
June 10, 2005
September 06, 2003
November 19, 1973
May 01, 2002
June 25, 2004
May 01, 2007
February 08, 2005
May 04, 2000
December 18, 2001
December 18, 2002
December 17, 2003
July 06, 2000
October 10, 2003
Invalid Date
April 15, 2004
December 03, 1986
September 29, 1994
June 26, 1976