Sally and Gillian Owens, born into a magical family, have mostly avoided witchcraft themselves. But when Gillian's vicious boyfriend, Jimmy Angelov, dies unexpectedly, the Owens sisters give themselves a crash course in hard magic. With policeman Gary Hallet growing suspicious, the girls struggle to resurrect Angelov -- and unwittingly inject his corpse with an evil spirit that threatens to end their family line.
Release Date: October 16, 1998
October 25, 2004
June 25, 2006
March 23, 1940
April 28, 1998
February 27, 2004
September 09, 1933
December 25, 2003
July 03, 1985
January 26, 1994
October 26, 2005
December 18, 2001
December 18, 2002
December 17, 2003
July 20, 2001
July 16, 2004
March 19, 2004
July 06, 2006
June 09, 2017
December 07, 2013
October 29, 2009