Manga creator Tsukasa Hojo's debut live-action film. 'Angel Sign' is Hojo's debut as a director, which is made by editing a number of short films into one movie. Hojo directs the "Prologue" and "Epilogue" stories, while a different director will handle each of the other stories, which were selected in Silent Manga Audition. All the stories will have no spoken lines, and will only have video and music.
Release Date: November 07, 2019
November 01, 2007
December 22, 2004
March 17, 2006
March 23, 1940
July 13, 1990
January 21, 1976
March 01, 1959
November 01, 2001
April 29, 1930
September 23, 1987
July 01, 1998
August 19, 2015
March 08, 2018
July 21, 2012
April 24, 2014
August 08, 2021
June 15, 1985
November 01, 1987
November 21, 1991
March 15, 2017