After being abandoned in the desert by his abusive stepfather, Phillip finds himself cruelly cast into a game of life or death until a beautiful orphan named Lucy and her boyfriend Jack come to his rescue. The three runaways patrol the desert and live as petty thieves, but they soon find that the fight for survival against nature may become a fight for survival against each other.
Release Date: March 01, 2010
October 01, 1985
January 22, 2016
July 16, 1984
February 28, 1975
February 09, 1996
December 15, 1965
October 03, 1997
August 13, 2011
January 19, 2007
August 17, 2000
April 18, 2002
November 17, 2005
June 13, 2007
February 02, 2006
April 06, 2005
September 30, 1943
May 16, 2003
February 08, 1936
February 09, 2023
August 02, 1985