Dishonorably discharged from the Army Air Corps, Brad Dunham (George Raft) disconsolately decides to try his luck with Shanghai's postwar black market. Teaming with the treacherous Tamara Baranoff (June Havoc), Dunham prospers in his newly-found illicit profession, much to the dismay of his best friend, reporter Mark Andrews (Tom Tully). When Tamara has the troublesome Andrews murdered, Dunham realizes the folly of his behavior and works overtime to squash the black market for good and all.
Release Date: December 06, 1947
January 15, 1943
July 08, 1959
June 27, 1973
April 07, 1974
November 28, 2013
April 08, 1941
March 11, 1977
August 13, 1998
July 16, 1998
October 22, 2016
March 11, 1999
February 13, 1999
December 18, 1991
September 23, 2016
December 15, 1965
May 22, 1962
November 12, 2004
November 02, 2000
April 22, 1966
February 05, 1964