Dallas housewife Lurene Hallett's life revolves around the doings of Jacqueline Kennedy. She is devastated when President Kennedy is shot a few hours after she sees him arrive in Dallas. Despite her husband Ray's prohibition, she decides to attend the funeral in Washington, D.C. Forced to travel by bus, she befriends Jonell, the young black daughter of Paul Couter. Sensing something wrong, her good intentioned interference leads the mixed race threesome on an increasingly difficult journey to Washington with both the police and Ray looking for them.
Release Date: December 11, 1992
May 29, 2004
August 31, 2005
April 04, 2014
October 01, 2025
July 26, 2006
October 10, 1997
May 23, 1984
September 17, 2003
December 12, 1991
December 12, 1988
September 30, 2005
December 20, 1991
August 11, 1973
September 29, 2000
November 16, 2017
August 30, 2002
August 26, 1992
February 03, 1995
May 16, 2008
March 01, 1985