The story revolves around Sultan, the poor child who grows up and becomes a military correspondent at an elite brigade. He enjoys the sympathy of the police officer, the son of the general, unlike the rest of the house.
Release Date: October 05, 1958
April 19, 1946
March 03, 1938
February 04, 1959
July 27, 1950
March 05, 1916
June 08, 2018
April 20, 2017
August 30, 1967
January 01, 1942
March 16, 1945
August 01, 1944
May 18, 1944
February 08, 1994
April 27, 2023
December 27, 1945
December 25, 1952
September 29, 1940
January 10, 1964
May 23, 2007
February 22, 1957