This pioneering documentary film depicts the lives of the indigenous Inuit people of Canada's northern Quebec region. Although the production contains some fictional elements, it vividly shows how its resourceful subjects survive in such a harsh climate, revealing how they construct their igloo homes and find food by hunting and fishing. The film also captures the beautiful, if unforgiving, frozen landscape of the Great White North, far removed from conventional civilization.
Release Date: June 11, 1922
August 05, 2016
March 08, 1996
June 21, 1960
October 09, 1992
September 23, 1927
February 27, 1920
April 24, 1917
February 19, 1909
December 25, 2003
February 11, 1993
February 06, 1927
October 01, 1993
October 18, 2013
September 01, 2011
August 10, 1917
February 28, 1997
March 08, 2019
June 27, 1956
September 17, 2016
September 25, 1997