The seventh in the shocking "Jingi Naki Tatakai" movie series, which exposes the true lives of the yakuza that is hidden by a mask of "jingi". The next stage of this continuing drama is the Kanmon Channel where the Owada and the Kyoei groups are battling for territorial rights and drug smuggling. The Owada sends their man, Tetsu, and his friend Shuji to kill the Kyoei boss. With the promise of fame and riches, Shuji takes the fall and goes to jail for 7 years. But when he's released, he discovers that he and Tetsu have been all but forgotten by the Owada. Feeling betrayed, Shuji takes matters into his own hands and becomes an unsuspecting pawn in an internal conflict and an assassination attempt on the Owada boss. And now angered, Shuji seeks revenge...
Release Date: November 01, 1975
September 30, 2013
October 10, 2003
October 12, 2002
January 27, 2007
September 20, 1996
October 19, 1958
June 28, 1969
June 06, 1986
October 31, 2001
December 14, 1984
December 09, 1994
November 10, 1971
September 22, 1989
February 09, 1968
October 07, 1978
October 05, 1989
May 16, 2008
June 19, 1976
July 04, 2014
July 28, 1965