In Vancouver, British Columbia, two teenagers attempt to create a feature length documentary about their lives. The main character James (played by himself) becomes obsessed with the project and is pushed into a more introverted, lonely existence. His best friend Quinn (played by himself) sets out to help him, but is met with the real answer as to why James is keeping himself inside: the rejection of what he thinks is the love of his life. The two of them go their separate ways, with James going deeper into a depression he’s not sure he can escape from.
Release Date: December 13, 2019
January 01, 2006
April 23, 2003
July 10, 1987
January 07, 2000
January 01, 2008
June 23, 2009
May 27, 2009
September 10, 1994
April 18, 2003
March 28, 2014
January 26, 2009
April 24, 2009
May 08, 2004
February 11, 2001
September 02, 2001
September 11, 1992
March 10, 2000
January 19, 2007
March 26, 2002
June 29, 1983