During the Civil War, Rachel Hayne, a young widow, is among those "held by the enemy" when her old family home is within the lines occupied by the Northern troops. Protected by Colonel Prescott from looters and the unwelcome attentions of Surgeon Fielding, Rachel begins to fall in love with the gallant Yankee officer. Their romance is disrupted when Rachel's husband Gordon, long reported dead, is captured as a spy and condemned to death.
Release Date: October 24, 1920
October 16, 1921
March 02, 1918
March 27, 1922
June 23, 1972
September 22, 1918
August 03, 1923
December 21, 1924
October 01, 1918
January 17, 1916
August 17, 1925
January 01, 1924
January 03, 1926
May 02, 1920
October 10, 1928
February 01, 1933
March 04, 1918
February 10, 1918
February 20, 1929
December 13, 1923
December 10, 1913