In the midst of a violent invasion of Earth by unknown alien forces, photo-journalist Wakatsuki Tetsuya comes across a scantily-clad alien woman, cutting a swath of death through the Terran ranks with her sword. After a chaotic struggle, Tetsuya is knocked unconscious, only to awaken aboard her starship. To his surprise, she turns out to be Kahm, the invaders' princess - and she has picked Tetsuya for a starring role in her upcoming wedding. As the groom....
Release Date: December 16, 1986
April 15, 2017
July 21, 1988
March 24, 2006
June 14, 2019
July 21, 2017
November 10, 2023
July 14, 2001
September 14, 2002
July 18, 1998
July 21, 1987
July 15, 2000
July 24, 1998
September 23, 2021
July 29, 1995
April 01, 1989
July 20, 2002
July 21, 2018
May 30, 2022
September 09, 2004