The film explores the tragic fall of feudalism in Bengal during the British Raj. The title of the movie and the story is a reference to the plot simultaneously exploring a platonic relationship between a beautiful, forlorn wife of an aristocrat and a career-driven clerk.
Release Date: March 09, 1956
April 29, 2022
May 29, 1972
January 01, 1947
November 27, 1931
October 17, 1943
October 29, 2018
March 18, 1959
September 17, 1998
May 01, 1959
October 03, 1958
January 01, 1969
October 02, 1964
September 12, 2007
November 28, 1930
June 10, 1959
June 28, 1967
June 06, 1960
April 25, 1961
June 04, 1947
January 01, 1962