Inspired by the Greek myth of Prometheus, a Titan who created the first mortals from clay and stole fire from the gods, Prometheus' Garden immerses viewers in a cinematic universe unlike any other. The dark and magical images of this haunting film unfold in a dreamlike stream of consciousness revealing an unlikely cast of characters engaged in a violent struggle for survival.
Release Date: January 01, 1987
September 04, 2014
September 01, 2019
September 01, 2011
June 15, 2011
October 21, 2012
June 01, 2010
June 26, 2012
July 04, 2005
January 07, 2000
March 14, 2017
April 13, 2019
March 25, 2019
December 08, 2016
January 01, 1989
August 03, 1988
September 10, 1994
July 01, 1965
January 01, 2004
January 01, 2005
May 01, 1909