The plot of the film illustrates the embankment of two friends on a quest for a lost buddy, who was once an optimistic and successful student. On their journey, they recount their college life and special moments that the three shared up until their lost friend secretly parted ways after convocation. During their quest, the two encounter a rival classmate who once made a long forgotten bet with them, a funeral that goes impossibly out of control, and a wedding they must crash.
Release Date: January 13, 2012
October 21, 1983
October 04, 2019
July 20, 1996
October 24, 2008
January 01, 1973
January 31, 2023
December 11, 2021
December 21, 2000
March 09, 1994
October 05, 2022
March 16, 1960
December 14, 1984
September 23, 1994
February 12, 2002
February 09, 2000
September 02, 2004
February 04, 1930
March 30, 2005
May 05, 1995
May 15, 1996