Newly-produced feature-length documentary exploring the making of TNG's historic final season and focusing on the season's most important moments with recollections from the show's entire cast and key creative personnel spanning the series' 7 seasons. Includes an in-depth analysis of the challenges faced by the show's writers and producers as they attempted to wrap up all the continuing story lines and the difficulties in developing the two-hour series finale while at the same time prepping the first TNG theatrical film - STAR TREK: GENERATIONS with closing thoughts from all the key artists and actors responsible for the show's enduring success and featuring archival behind the scenes footage and photographs.
Release Date: December 02, 2014
December 01, 1999
August 22, 2014
November 30, 1994
February 19, 2007
October 18, 1997
September 04, 2016
May 15, 1994
November 13, 2005
January 01, 2006
November 03, 2010
September 01, 2009
August 14, 2016
April 12, 2009
November 06, 2001
September 28, 1991
April 20, 2004
November 07, 2024
May 01, 2017
November 04, 2012
October 06, 1996