The originality of the show lies in the gap between the narrative provided by the voice-over (omnipresent) and the visible, concrete actions played on stage by the characters in an almost silent film: their play, sometimes very poetic, transcends narration. As a result, not only is the spectator's emotion intense, but the philosophical reflection on the meaning (s) of the work emerges: since Man sells his thought, his body, his time, in exchange for a salary, since he is constantly in exchange, barter, link, is he a "merchant"? What is he walking towards?
Release Date: September 18, 2013
August 18, 2021
June 19, 2013
January 01, 2007
January 01, 2007
November 27, 1977
January 25, 2022
March 26, 2022
September 17, 1980
May 27, 1977
August 11, 1977
February 01, 1984
May 15, 2010
October 24, 2012
October 17, 2004
January 03, 1978
January 08, 1962
June 21, 1997
November 05, 1976
January 16, 2003
June 27, 2018