In her debut feature, Alexandra Pianelli captures the unique world in and around her family’s Paris newsstand, presenting a film diary that lovingly documents her time working there. Sequestered behind the cramped counter, Pianelli films the world as it passes before her with a boundless sense of curiosity and compassion. iPhone or GoPro strategically set up before her, she records idiosyncratic interactions with charming regulars who drop by for their newspapers and a chat, or the lost passers-by simply looking for directions. Le Kiosque is a tender study of humanity, as well as a bittersweet sketch of physical media’s dying days as the newsstand’s future becomes increasingly unclear.
Release Date: October 06, 2021
January 29, 2021
December 09, 1998
October 17, 2021
March 19, 2022
January 13, 2017
December 29, 1963
June 08, 2016
January 27, 2017
October 09, 2016
April 26, 2007
October 16, 2012
January 19, 2016
January 01, 1990
August 10, 2012
April 01, 2008
April 01, 2014
October 11, 2013
January 01, 1943
May 17, 2005