Anna, a young teenager, comes home from her Catholic boarding school for the holidays and discovers her father has left. Her mother is devastated and confined in the company of the local priest, who is also a childhood friend. Anna clings to her beloved grandfather. She also grows close to Pierre, a free-spirited teenager who cares little about God. Anna is preparing for her confirmation, but her budding desire for Pierre shakes her faith. She longs to give herself over, body and soul... but doesn't know if it is to God, or something else?
Release Date: April 08, 2010
January 11, 2024
June 12, 1997
January 05, 2009
May 05, 1995
July 08, 1999
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January 16, 1996
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October 24, 2008
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November 22, 2016
March 25, 2022
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September 10, 2000
October 14, 1987