Three young friends find adventure and purpose in their attempts to set a Guinness World Record. Set in a wintry mountain town, the unpopular trio pursues fame through a series of schemes and stunts that eventually imperil their own lives. Along the way, they conquer schoolyard bullies, unite their community and discover that while fame is fleeting, true friendship lasts forever.
Release Date: April 24, 2010
March 24, 2011
March 31, 1989
March 07, 2014
July 21, 2006
July 13, 2001
October 24, 2008
October 09, 1987
May 19, 2023
October 21, 2006
August 20, 2004
October 07, 2016
April 26, 1995
October 13, 2017
March 28, 1986
November 13, 2007
July 28, 2006
May 10, 2002
January 12, 2000
September 27, 2016
December 17, 1992