French Club is a Goonies-esque, teenage girl adventure that takes three high school friends on a trip across rural Kentucky. To fulfill the dying wish of one of the girl's grandmother, they must enlist the help of a gypsy cab driver to return a mysterious brass figurine to its rightful owner. This coming of age journey has the girls learn that the grandmother and her family are more than meets the eye.
Release Date: Invalid Date
February 25, 2000
April 08, 2022
April 07, 1978
September 24, 1993
July 19, 1995
April 25, 1997
March 17, 2006
May 29, 1998
March 23, 2023
September 01, 2013
May 10, 2002
April 09, 1999
April 23, 2009
December 07, 2001
July 24, 1992
February 17, 2004
March 11, 2009
July 21, 2006
July 02, 1999
March 31, 1989