River Of Fury presents the self-discovery and awakening of a young man (Danny Lee), who has been exposed and fallen for the lucrative powers of wealth. Lily Ho played a role in sharp contrast with Lee, which has helplessly fallen prey to the irresistible temptations of wealth under the influence of her mother. Once again, Ho demonstrates her remarkable talent in Chinese opera following her Beijing-opera showcase in The Warlord (co-starring Michael Hui Kwun-man).
Release Date: May 03, 1973
January 23, 1964
November 22, 1935
January 28, 1944
July 06, 1988
November 08, 1956
January 27, 2014
July 29, 1988
September 08, 2000
June 13, 1997
October 29, 2004
April 07, 1939
August 26, 1955
September 30, 2016
May 12, 2005
October 10, 1997
March 26, 2019
November 23, 1960
May 17, 1931
June 27, 1956
January 01, 1993