In 2011, Detective Sergeant Jason Moran from the Sheriff’s Department of Cook County Illinois, reopened the case of one of America’s most notorious serial killers, ‘The Killer Clown’ John Wayne Gacy. Although Gacy was convicted of 33 murders and killed by lethal injection in 1994, unbelievably, EIGHT of his victims remain unidentified. Today, 40 years after the discovery of the crawlspace under Gacy’s Chicago home, where he buried most of his victims, Detective Moran knows time is running out to identify the remaining unnamed victims of this sadistic killer.
Release Date: December 09, 2018
February 14, 1991
February 26, 2016
October 17, 2007
September 29, 1997
November 04, 1999
February 02, 2005
August 04, 1995
March 01, 2022
February 04, 1970
June 05, 1999
January 04, 2002
July 11, 2003
June 28, 1999
April 24, 2005
January 19, 2014
October 16, 2005
December 29, 2016
August 27, 2004
January 22, 2008
February 09, 2007