After becoming injected with a formula derived from an alien ship, a lab gorilla escapes from his containment and befriends two young boys. The alien formula causes the gorilla to grow to gargantuan size and rampage throughout the city and the boys must find a way to save their simian friend before the army takes him down.
Release Date: October 06, 2020
December 29, 2016
October 28, 2020
February 21, 2020
March 24, 2023
March 18, 2022
July 06, 2006
February 12, 1931
August 24, 1977
October 05, 1967
April 09, 1985
February 04, 1993
July 23, 1998
August 15, 1986
January 30, 1998
March 14, 2003
October 16, 2019
October 14, 2005
February 17, 2006
October 18, 2016
January 01, 1990