Dirty Pool is a two minute 3d animation short film created by Brent Forrest in 2016. The short was inspired by the Charlotte Room in Toronto, Canada and JP the cheating drunk who couldn't beat the director at pool if his life depended on it. All sound FX were self recorded with an iphone in a pool hall in Tokyo.
Release Date: April 13, 2016
May 29, 2004
January 08, 2008
January 17, 2008
July 22, 2008
July 01, 1972
April 21, 2001
July 14, 2004
October 07, 2008
December 25, 1990
May 16, 1980
October 11, 2002
May 09, 1997
June 15, 2005
March 01, 1993
December 03, 1999
June 26, 1987
June 28, 2002
March 29, 1985
May 08, 1998
September 24, 1998