Released from prison under a New Year amnesty, a criminal tries to pick up the threads of a life changed not only by his daring plan to rob a jewelry store in out-of-season Cannes, but also by a very special someone he met there.
Release Date: April 13, 1973
October 06, 1961
October 13, 2000
January 30, 1998
September 26, 2007
December 25, 1996
March 30, 1984
October 07, 1969
July 13, 2001
October 19, 1970
September 01, 1939
August 06, 1967
June 19, 1956
October 14, 1938
January 09, 1942
April 19, 1933
March 04, 1966
May 11, 1938
December 12, 1926
October 01, 1936
August 29, 1949