This sci-fi thriller finds the world in imminent danger when a collision in outer space sends huge pieces of interstellar debris on a path headed straight for Earth. A scientist has designed a system that would stop the largest meteor fragments from striking the earth, but a fanatical religious cult have made it their business to stop him. A convicted murderer (Ice-T) with ties to the group must now join forces with an FBI agent (Suzy Amis) to free the scientist from the cult's clutches and prevent millions of needless deaths. Mario Van Peebles and Linden Ashby appear in supporting roles
Release Date: November 12, 1999
August 24, 2001
October 23, 1998
November 17, 2008
December 03, 2001
March 02, 2000
February 21, 2013
September 21, 2012
December 06, 1991
November 18, 1994
November 22, 1996
December 11, 1998
December 13, 2002
December 07, 1979
June 04, 1982
June 01, 1984
November 26, 1986
June 09, 1989
July 29, 1983
October 07, 2023
January 16, 2023