Ryota Tanaka, a young man who was struggling to become a manga artist in Tokyo, came back to his hometown in Fukuoka, feeling the limits of his dream. It was a part-time job at the local life extension zoo that introduced Ryota, who was in the old friend's room, without relying on his parents' home. While working with the director Noda and veterinarian Aya Ishii, Ryota knew that this is a rare zoo in the world that puts emphasis on “animal welfare” that puts animal health and happiness first. However, the management of the garden is in a critical situation due to the budget reduction, and Ryota decides to draw a comic again to convey this effort with her own picture...
Release Date: November 15, 2019
May 31, 2019
March 05, 2005
June 09, 2017
February 05, 2014
July 21, 2005
July 21, 1983
February 18, 2017
August 31, 2013
October 24, 2015
March 12, 2016
September 28, 2013
July 19, 2002
April 06, 2024
December 02, 2017
April 07, 2023
January 26, 2006
October 06, 2023
July 14, 2007
September 30, 2022
March 24, 2006